How does one discover where they are on their spiritual journey?
In his book Spiritual Conversations, Gary addresses the four paradigm shifts that have taken place in evangelism during last 25 five years. Evangelism has shifted from ...
Event drive to process oriented
Combative approach to an attractive posture
Memorized monologue to meaningful dialogue
Short-term contact to a long-term relationship
He believes we need to move away from the extremes of either being a raging evangelist or a friend who never shares the verbal witness. He believes that every follower of Jesus needs become a 'spiritual coach' offering the truth of the gospel in an interactive and nurturing process.
For over 20 years Gary Rohrmayer has been developing this tool through personal experience and the training of lay people, pastors, church planters, and missionaries. Gary's desire is to help followers of Christ move from a combative approach to evangelism to a more collaborative approach that sustains and cultivates relationships.
Through four simple diagnostic questions, you can help the spiritual searcher identify and discover the barriers in their spiritual journey and you can identify how deeply the Holy Spirit is at work in their lives drawing them towards Christ.
These four diagnostic questions are also useful in assisting a follower of Christ in identifying and discovering the barriers in their own spiritual maturity and fruitfulness.
The goal of this process is not to lead a person towards a forced prayer of repentance but to help them develop a personalized plan towards spiritual discovery or spiritual maturity. To download a free sample click here
What are Pastors and Church Planting Saying about the Spiritual Journey Guide?
"The Spiritual Journey Guide is a non-threatening, user-friendly tool that we have utilized to help hundreds to identify where they are with God. As we start our second church, we know it will continue to serve us well, effectively leading others toward Jesus!"
Kendal Anderson, The Crossing Church, Orlando, FL
“I have used this tool hundreds of times to start spiritual conversations. This is the most authentic and easy way to engage anyone in the progress they would like to make on their spiritual journey.”