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How do you come alongside a person who is far from God and help them become a mature follower of Jesus?

"Offering programs is not the issue. We discovered that surprisingly few churches have a well-conceived model of discipleship that they implement. The result is that churches feel they have fulfilled their obligation if they provide a broad menu of courses, events, and other experiences, but such a well-intentioned but disjointed approach leaves people confused and imbalanced." George Barna, Growing True Disciples source: www.barna.org

Gary has developed a proven spiritual formation process that has turned many spiritual investigators into spiritual contributors.

The process starts off with a spiritual assessment through the Spiritual Journey Guide where a follower of Christ helps develop a personalized plan towards spiritual discover or spiritual maturity.

Step 1 - Bible 101 - Four-week introduction to God's Word. (Sample)

Step 2 - Christianity 101 - Four-week introduction to the person and work of Jesus Christ. (Sample)

Step 3 - Developing a Spiritual Foundation - 10 lessons to engage the new disciple in an in-depth training process to establish them in their new faith. (Sample)

Step 4 - Discovering Biblical Values - 10 lessons that walk them through the ten basic doctrines of the Christian faith and helps them turn these truths into personal values that guide their lives. (Sample)

Step 5 - Building a Life that Matters - 10 lessons that helps move a growing disciple from spiritual stability towards spiritual significance. (Sample)

Step 6 - Becoming the Leader God Desires - 10 interactive lessons that help leaders see how the 'Fruits of the Spirit' flow through their leadership giftedness and style. (Sample)

Order the Complete Set of Reproducible Masters

All these materials can be used in a one on one or a small group setting.

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Spiritual Conversations. gary Rohrmayer Bible 101 an introduction to the bible Christianity 101
Bible 101
Our Price: $39.95
Christianity 101
Our Price: $39.95
Developing a Spiritual Foundation Discovering Biblical Values Building a Life that Matters
Becoming the leader God desires Complete Set of Spiritual Formation Masters Spiritual Journey Guide Tri-fold Edition
Spiritual Journey Guide Tri-fold Edition ON SALE NOW!
Our Price: $14.95
Sale Price: $12.95
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Spiritual Journey Guide Square Edition 21 Days Prayer Fasting 21 courageous prayers
21 Days of Prayer & Fasting (ONLY available on Amazon)
Out of stock/purchase on Amazon $3.58
RESTOCKED & ON SALE! Spiritual Journey Guide - Spanish
Our Price: $14.95
Sale Price: $12.95
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